發布時間:2019-11-27 瀏覽量:2300
標準編號 | 標準中文名稱 | 標準英文名稱 |
GB/T4213-1992 | Pneumatic industrial process control valves | |
GB10869-1989 | 電站調節閥技術條件 | Specification of control valves for fossil power stations |
JB/T7228-1994 | 風量調節閥 | |
JB/T57182-1994 | ||
JB/T57218-1994(2005復審) | ||
HG/T3237-1989 | 橡膠機械用自力式壓力調節閥 | |
NF C46-503-1999 | 工業過程調節閥.第2-1部分:流量.在安裝條件下液體流量的截面方程 | (Industrial-process control valves. Part 2-1 : flow capacity. Sizing equations for fluid flow under installed conditions.) |
NF C46-502-1993 | 工業過程用調節閥.第1部分:術語和概論 | (Industrial-process control valves. Part 1 : control valve terminology and general considerations.) |
NF C46-506-1990 | 工業過程用調節閥.流量.流量的特性和校正的固有系數 | (Industrial-process control valves. Flow capacity. Inherent flow characteristics and rangeability.) |
NF C46-525-1991 | 工業過程用調節閥,調節閥門的限定柵屏 | (Industrial-process control valves. Control valve data sheet.) |
NF M62-301-4-2001 | 密封罩用組件.第4部分:通風和氣體清潔系統(如:過濾器和疏水閥)的安全和調節閥門以及控制和保護裝置 | (Components for containment enclosures - Part 4 : ventilation and gas-cleaning systems such as filters, traps, safety and regulation valves, control and protection devices.) |
ANSI/UL 144-2001 | 液化石油氣壓力調節閥的安全標準 | (Standard for Safety for Pressure-Regulating Valves for LP Gas) |
EN ISO 5135-1998 | 聲學 在混響室中測定空調終端設備、空調終端單元、阻尼器和調節閥門的噪聲功率級 | Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of noise from air-terminal devices, air-terminal units, dampers and valves by measurement in a reverberation room (ISO 5135:1997) |
EN 88/prA2-2001 | 入口壓力200毫巴以下的燃氣器具的壓力調節閥 修改A2 | Pressure governors for gas appliances for inlet pressures up to 200 mbar; Amendment prA2 |
prEN 14129-2001 | 液化石油汽(LGP)罐壓力調節閥 | Pressure relief valves for LPG tanks |
EN 88-1991+A1-1996 | 入口壓力200毫巴以下的燃氣器具的壓力調節閥 | Pressure governors for gas appliances for inlet pressures up to 200 mbar |
DIN V 19259-2-1999 | 設備文獻.調節閥用帶分類示意圖的數據類型 | (Documentation of devices - Standard data element types with associated classification for valves) |
DIN EN 60534-6-1-1998 | 工業流程控制閥.第6部分:調節閥門驅動的位置調節器固定用安裝細節.第1節:行程驅動上位置調節器的安裝 | (Industrial-process control valves - Part 6: Mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves - Section 1: Postioner mounting on linear actuators (IEC 60534-6-1:1997); German version EN 60534-6-1:1997) |
DIN 3163-1974 | 公稱壓力25的冷卻劑循環直通調節閥 | (Control through valves for refrigerant circuits, nominal pressure 25 bar) |
DIN 32730-1993 | 取暖裝置中水和蒸氣用具有安全功能的調節閥.安全技術要求和檢驗 | (Valves with a safety function for water and steam in heating systems; safety requirements and testing) |
DIN 58600-2003 | 呼吸保護器.德國消防隊用自調需氧量氧氣調節閥與獨立開路壓縮空氣呼吸器面罩之間的插塞連接 | (Respiratory protective devices - Plug-in connection between lung governed demand valve and facepiece for self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus for use by German fire brigade) |
UL 144-1999 | 液化石油氣調節閥 | (LP-gas regulators ) |
UL 17-1994 | 燃油設備用通風孔或煙囪連接器調節閥門 | (Vent or chimney connector dampers for oil-fired appliances ) |
JIS B8387-2000 | 液壓動力.四孔調節閥門和四孔方向控制閥門.02,03,05尺寸.夾持尺寸 | (Hydraulic fluid power -- Four-port modular stack valves and four-port directional control valves, sizes 02, 03 and 05 -- Clamping dimensions) |
IEEE 1189-1996 | 固定設備用調節閥鉛酸(VRLA)蓄電池的選擇指南 | (Guide for selection of valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) batteries for stationary applications) |
版權所有:調節閥廠家-杭州杜伯拉閥門科技有限公司 浙ICP備18052799號